What is a Co-op?

A co-op is a type of boarding arrangement in which the boarders work together to provide less than full care, but more than self-care boarding. The Windsor Stables Co-op was created in 2021 to allow a group of adult amateurs to manage the barn together without full-time staff and without losing the ability to travel and work full-time jobs. In the co-op model, each boarder has a minimum amount of work each day (usually about 10 minutes) and they are also each responsible for 3-4 feeding and turnout shifts per week (usually about 30 minutes).

Within this co-op model, we have found that we have almost all of the control we would have if we kept our horses at home and all of the camaraderie and lifestyle flexibility found in a full care boarding barn. While it’s not for everyone, this type of arrangement has a lot to offer the right person.

For more details on how the co-op model works, please see the Prices and FAQ pages or contact us.